Saturday, June 18, 2005


My father died almost eighteen years ago. June 10th would have been his eighty-third birthday.

He was a pastor who loved people. Much of his ministry life he was bi-vocational, working as a painter and expert wall-paperer, a sales agent for AAA--doing all he could to provide for us. He found the Lord when my twin brother and I were six weeks old and after a night of excessive drinking. His testimony always affected me because he tearfully-talked about going forward at the altar call to appease his wife on their anniversary. He found the Lord...she didn't, until several weeks later, but both of their lives were transformed.

My father never ceased to be amazed at God's grace--to save him, to call him to preach the gospel. I preached his funeral sermon and I remember choosing these words as his final reward, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant..."

My dad never pastored a big church, never had alot of notoriety, never had alot of money.

But he had alot of love, and that love touched hundreds of people who are literally scattered around the world serving the Lord, some as missionaries and ministers of the gospel.

I am a product of his love and faithfulness to God. I honor him once again on this Father's Day.

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