Saturday, March 05, 2005

The REST of the story

Jesus' invitation to come unto Him and find rest is an inviting one. In our fast-paced society it is easy to be swept up in an almost frenetic lifestyle. Even under the guise of "I am doing the Lord's work", I can find myself driven to the point of mental and physical exhaustion. You probably know what i am talking about, just from the ordinary stresses and challenges of your family and your job.

This week, following Sunday's servcies, Beverly and I will head for the coast. We are going to take a break, but we are equally-excited about seeing some of our grandchildren who will be nearby where we will be staying. There is something about the ocean that is very soothing to me and I know it will energize me and prepare me for a return to work with rekindled purpose and resolve.

Here's what I have learned about myself. If I don't take time for myself--even though I have long labored under a sense of "guilt" for relaxing--I am no good to anyone--my family and work environment included. I want the rest of the story of my life to read better than it has--that I was a man who learned the importance of stepping aside to renew myself for more effective service to those I love.

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