Sunday, March 20, 2005


We have been reconciled to God through Christ. This, in and of itself, is an astonishing declaration from II Corinthians 5:18ff. Considering the grace required to bring a holy God and sinful man together, the work of Christ seems beyond description. The key theological idea is expressed in verse 19, "that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them." This is what we what we were desparate for to even entertain the thought of having a relationship with God.

But this part for me is even more mind-boggling. It is the twofold assignment that we have as those who are now "in Christ". (1) God "gave us the ministry of reconciliation" and (2) God has "committed to us the message of reconciliation".

As we enter this season of Christ's passion, I am moved by the idea that God has chosen us to let the others know that Christ's death paid the price for our sins so that God is "not counting" our sins against us, and we are, thus, able to be reconciled to a right relationship with God. I am overhwlemed with the charge that we are "Christ's ambassadors as though God were a making His appeal through us". The message for all to hear? "Be reconciled to God." It is our ministry and our message. May we find grace to do it and to declare it.

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