Friday, March 18, 2005


We had our monthly regularly-scheduled (we have other kinds) board meeting last night and after four-plus hours I reflected the next day with a board member as we walked together.

"Do the meetings have to be so long?", he asked. I thought about the various things we had discussed--schedule, finances, Easter emphasis, community evangelistic outreach event, our youth internship program, building progress, Leadership, Training and Discipleship ministry, visitation ideas, Benevolence Fund needs, church unity, missions mini-convention, needy families, etc.--and I said, after recaling only a few of these things, "You know, I think we just enjoying being together and dreaming together!"

He wasn't bored or disinterested but I think he was observing--along with me--how the ministry is growing and how much there is to talk about and to pray about.

Pray for your board--they are not "bored"; they are, however, sometimes overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of of ministry and responsibility. And they need your prayers for God's guidance as they seek to be good leaders.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Once a month only? You are getting off easy!