Wednesday, July 06, 2005

flag over fallujah

I missed our "service on the grounds" July 3rd as I spoke at the Silver Lake Chapel. It is a beautiful setting for a church service, but, I confess. thought about our own services.

Mike Oram is a marine from Grace serving in Iraq. Last week he sent a special package to his wife, Martha. It was a tattered American flag that had flown over some military buildings in Fallujah. Mike sent it so we could use it for the Pledge of Allegiance, a part of our July 3rd service.

Just two years year ago, Mike carried an American flag in full military dress down the aisle of our outdoor service and led us in our salute to the American flag. " nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all..."

Whatever our political sentiments, the flag which flew over Fallujah reminds us of the cost of freedom, the commitment of American men and women over the ages to secure and perserve such freedom.

Thanks, Mike, and to others like you (our own Steve Hauser), who serve our country!

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