Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Men's Retreat

We have a finely-tuned women's ministry at Grace Fellowship.

We also have a group of men at Grace who are active in ministry and Bible studies...but we have this problem of getting organized and getting together for special "men only" events.

We are busy, I know, and some of us are over-committed already. But our annual men's retreat is an overnight opportunity to get together with men juggling schedules and priorities--seeking to be men "after God's own heart"--and to encourage one another.

This weekend's theme is "Extreme Makeover: Soul Edition"(courtesy of Pastor Mark). It's not too late to sign up--we leave Friday arounf 6:00 p.m. and return Saturday around 2:00 p.m. It is located at Camp Golden Valley, just a few miles out of Volcano. Grab a sleeping bag, your Bible and a notebook, and join us. Contact the church office at 209-223-1971 so we can add your name to the list.

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