Friday, August 16, 2013


Okay. I am 65 and retirement is generally what people do when they reach that age.

So I am trying.  Granted, I need to work some, but, for the most part, I have discretionary time--a novelty for me, and a huge challenge to use wisely.

Today I spent time with seven of my almost (November add one) twelve grandchildren and got ready for the visit of my twin brother, Dennis, and his wife, Lynn.  We are excited that they are coming--our first overnight visitors--for the weekend (we will see how one bedroom and one bathroom works out...).  This was also a week to set up my counseling office as well as to finish some projects at home.

The non-negotiables of my semi-retirement schedule are the development of my counseling business and the oversight of the work in Haiti we are doing to teach and train pastors.  I return again in November to teach NT Survey ll with two other pastors.

This leaves time for me to think about what I should do with that extra time I am not used to having...and here are some things I am working on.

1.  I have identified two sphere of influence I have that are new to me--my landlord and his yard workers who work on my yard too.  The other is my office building where four other businesses are located.  I have met everyone and am working on establishing relationships so I can share my faith.

2.  A man from the church I attend invited me to a men's discussion group that meets Tuesday mornings at 6 am.  I am thinking about it.  6 am?????

3.  Tim, Bev's son and our pastor, has asked me how much and when I want to be involved in teaching and ministering at Grace Church.  I am praying about that.

4.  One of my grandsons,  Zeke, wants cello lessons.  I can do that!

5.  Julie, my daughter-in-law, has asked me if I would be willing to teach a writing class to            home-schoolers.  Thinking about that.

Lots of opportunities that require thoughtful thinking and prayer.  How can I most effectively use my discretionary time to honor God?

I am retired, or, at least semi-retired.  But I have not retired from ministry and my heart longs for it. God provided me an opportunity to share with my new insurance agent--a one time youth minister who had a bad experience--earlier this week.  It was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my short stay here.

I am adapting...slowly...and learning ion the process that what matters most to me is finishing my life well.  How I use my time will, I hope, be a testimony to that motivation.

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