Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A view from the pew...

I am accustomed to speaking in church, not listening.  The last six months have afforded me the privilege of being a good listener....or, learning to be a good listener.

As a parishioner, I find myself coming to church with a laundry list of concerns about the week ahead, finances, relationships--all things that can dull my sensitivity to worship and the Word.  Being in the pew has helped me appreciate what the congregations I pastored had to deal with every Sunday, coming from their busy lives to worship.

I have also had to deal with the arrogant tendency to critique everything I hear; after all, I am the "veteran" of forty-six years, preaching probably over 2000 sermons over that period of time.  Such pride inhibits my ability to receive anything from the Lord and as I have humbled myself before Him I have found the preaching and teaching I have heard to be well-done, practical and challenging to me personally.  In truth, I have been drawn closer to the Lord as I have embraced the messages I have heard.

It's a good discipline for me to be in the pew, and to enjoy this season of life where I can be an intentional encourager--not critic--of those who faithfully declare the truth of God's Word.

I like the view!

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