We accomplished a couple of things this Thanksgiving holiday--we got away in our trailer (a favorite past time) and we spent time with eight of our grandchildren (a most favorite pursuit).
We discovered that deep-fried turkey is delicious (just have to figure out how to make gravy), that fourteen people squeezed together in a 32' x 8' trailer is manageable (especially if you like each other) and that even with rain, tight quarters and no television reception for the football games, it was still a memorable--if not the "best"--Thanksgiving celebration!
What made it so unforgettable? Let me list a few significant things.
1. It was not all about the food and furniture--it was more about being together.
2. It was not all about second helpings and desserts galore--it was more about being thankful we had enough to eat.
3. It was not all about the setting and regalia (or lack of it)--it was more about being with family and enjoying one another.
Having just returned from Haiti--an environment of extreme poverty--it was easy to be thankful. Even sleeping in my trailer and surrounded by the accoutrement's of camping life, I realized I am far better off than most of the world, a significant percentage of whom go to bed cold and hungry at night.
I will look back, I'm certain, at this Thanksgiving with fond memories--focused on how we we celebrated together what was really important. And with the hope that we will do it again...maybe next year!
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