Thursday, November 10, 2011

Off to Haiti

I leave Saturday for my third trip to Haiti. It seems a long time ago that I sat in front of my television screen and viewed the catastrophic damage of the earthquake and heard God say, "Go!"

I have never been disappointed. we have held VBS's for over 1000 children, conducted Bible training seminars for over 125 pastors, built a roof for a school/church servicing 500 children and have enjoyed our relationship cultivated by the passionate heart and hard work of Gilbert Jules.

This trip we will deliver finds for a well in one of the small towns, as well as go to teach over 200 pastors the book of Romans over a four day period, eight hours a day. It is a huge but exciting task. We also will talk about how we can reach out to the children of Haiti, the heart's desire of two women in our church family through a ministry they have dubbed "The Bridge".

I am accompanied by two wonderful brothers from our church and am anxious to see how we can be humble tools in the hands of a mighty God.

Pray for us!

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