Wednesday, November 09, 2011

prayer and fasting

There is a little verse in the New Testament that says "Some things come only by prayer and fasting". it is omitted from some of the later biblical translations which utilize earlier manuscripts where that phrase does not occur. Nonetheless, I am convinced that prayer coupled with fasting has potential significance for me--just as it did for the Israelites in the Old Testament--in seeking and knowing God's will.

I am at a time where I am truly anxious to know God's will; in fact, I have a pretty good idea of how He should work. When I read that aloud I realize how foolish it sounds. My tendency is to try to facilitate God's work by stepping in where only He belongs. It is the ultimate arrogance for me to presume I can "give God a hand".

The discipline of simply adhering to God's invitation and command--"Be still and know that I am God"--encourages me to trust Him. A possible translation of that familiar verse is "Cease from your strivings..." There is the sense that when we abandon the pursuit of our efforts to manage things, God can then manifest Himself as God in His presence and all of His power.

The discipline of fasting allows me to focus my attention on something other than indulging my own fleshy appetites while at the same time seeking after God's direction for my life. I don't fast very often, and it really is between God and me whether I fast at all. I am convinced, however, it is an appropriate way for me to "set my affections on things above" and to listen for God's voice.

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