Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My "estate"

I have been doing that paper work that has to be done when you are caring for a will and your “estate”…whatever that means! It means I have to collect addresses, social security numbers, and make all kinds of phone calls to retrieve information I can’t find. At any rate, I am almost done and I am exhausted. If I worked a few more hours at this I could just die and let my will take effect and my estate could be distributed—such as it is—to my wife. When she observes how small it is, she may die as well, and then the remaining tiny pieces can be divided equally among our six children.

What a process…and for what purpose? It is all predicated on the presumption we will leave something behind of worth when we die and to keep the State from absorbing it we need to write down who gets to fight over it…or not, assuming a clearly-written will identifies the appropriate beneficiaries and delineates what part of the “estate” is theirs.

Having pastored for forty plus years and having performed over five hundred funerals and memorial services, I can testify to some pretty hideous fights I have observed when the final “amen!” was read and the coffin set in the ground. The struggle for “who gets what” begins and the sequential chapters of the story often continue to unravel in living color in the months and years that follow.

And this is all about stuff…

So how does one prepare for this seemingly inevitable conflict? What can be done to stave off the battles?

1. Commit to a life of poverty; then there is nothing to fight over, or…

2. Spend what you have earned and celebrate the fruits of your labor so that the estate is enjoyed by those who worked hard to earn it, or…

3. Think about what you really want to leave behind. “Invest” in a legacy with lasting dividends.

Jesus said, “…store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust to not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:20,21)

Here are some simple things that represent some real treasures with a good return on your investment!

T-ime; spend time with those you love.

R-espect; treat everyone you meet with the proper respect.

E-ncouragement; look for ways to encourage those who need an uplifting word

A-ction; demonstrate what you truly believe by acting upon its principles

S-ervice; offer your life in service to others instead of waiting to be served

U-nity; seek to find ways to unite people who are alienated form each other.

R-est; be creative in rejuvenating yourself and others by learning to relax and rest.

E-njoyment; learn to be content and help others to enjoy what God has given them.

I am getting older, so I am thinking about my “estate”. What I really want to focus on is (a) where I am investing my "treasure"?, and, (b) am I leaving a legacy that reflects my heart?

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