Thursday, August 25, 2011

15th Anniversary

In August, 1996 five families met with me to begin the story of what is now Grace Fellowship Church. Sunday, August 21st we celebrated our anniversary...with very little fanfare but alot of thanksgiving to God--best expressed in our congregational muscial affirmation of "Great is Thy faithfulness!"

Here are some things that stand out to me when I reflect upon our journey together...

1. We have had the strength of unity that has allowed us to walk through six different locations, a challenging building program, and a dramtically depressed economic climate in a county where unemployment is near 20%.

2. We have had a sense of purpose built around the unapologetic teaching of the Word of God. Sunday School classes, small group Bible studies, care groups and worship services all provide a venue for learning the truths of God's life-changing Word.

3. We have had a spirit of compassion for the people of our community and have welcomed opportunities to assist those in need. We support the Amador Pregnancy Center, On-A-Mission Thrift Store, the Food Bank, the local rest homes, and have recently installed Angel Food Ministry to assist in getting low cost quality food to needy families. We also provide counseling resources through our local church.

4. We have had a share in outreach to the global community with a heightened sense of our mission mandate to "make disicples of all nations", most recently in Haiti, India, Pakistan, Papau New Guinea, South America and Africa, Thailand, the Ukraine and Serbia.

5. We have had the supply of grace needed from God for every ministry and every opportunity made available to us. We have grown together into a body of believers whose commitment is to be here and abroad, "a church that cares".

"Great is they faithulness! Great is they faithfulness,
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed thy hand has provided.
Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me."

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