Friday, February 26, 2010

Reflections on prayer...

I was thinking about prayer as I prepared to write on my blog today after a few weeks away. Five instances come to my mind--(1) a church prayer meeting Wednesday, (2)devotions with my wife today (3) a men's prayer meeting this morning (4) prayer with a buddy yesterday afternoon and (5) a visit and prayer time with a friend who is dying. All of these were for me productive times of prayer for different reasons.

1. On Wednesday evening 40-50 met at the church for nearlt two hours for a schedulesd time of prayer and praise. This was not a large number-I always hope for more--but we have purposed as a body to pray more together corporately. It is always significant to me when we pray for one another. This is a group with whom I am confortable sharing my needs.

2. My daily devotions with Beverly are especially maningful to me these days. We have been reading a book together, "PRAYING FOR YOUR ADULT CHILDREN. With six children (and eleven grandchildren), this is a daily activity for us together. it is a comfort to me to release my family daily to God's love and care and to remind them that we are praying for them. This encoruages them, hopefully, to share their needs with us.

3. I met for prayer with eight othe men at 6:30 a.m. this morning--what a blessing! A core group of us have been doing this regularly for over a year now and we openinly share our concerns--one has prostate cancer, another needs more work, one has a grandson who just had a brain tumor removed, another needs to sell some property, another's brother needs Christ and is facing surgery, etc. I was especially moved by the prayer of one who is retired who prayed aloud,"Lord, use me when I leave this room..."

4. Yesterday afternoon a yong man--almost thirty years younger than me--stopped by the office, and we shared and prayed together. We have some experiences in common, though far apart in years, and we have a common desire to live our lives to the glory of God. He inspires me, and, hopefully, I encourage him when we pray together.

5. A friend is dying. He knows he has just a few months at best to live. He is in some pain and spends alot of time in bed. I am not sure about the depth of his relationship with Christ, but I know he is reaching out and I have a unique opportunity when we share together in prayer to direct him to Christ.

As I reflect on these times of prayer--a sampling of the opportuntities God provides each week--I am reminded what a vital dimension prayer is of my daily life, as I live out my faith and seek to minister to others. I often wonder aloud, "What would I do if I could not pray?"

Thank you, lord.

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