Friday, January 02, 2009

about colds...

Happy New Year ! Achoo!

That's how I began the new year--with a full-fledged cold courtesy of my wonderful grandchildren. I guess it was part of our holiday gift exchange!

Colds are an interesting phenomenon. They aren't really disabling--I mean, you can still function, sort of... But they are a drain--literally--and they sap you of the energy and ambition you ened to function at a level of normacy, whatever that is.

Beverly and I had lots of plans we laid aside and spent a significant part of the last two weeks together, sniffing and sneezing. As I look back, however, I think it was a good time. We got some extra sleep, sat together a lot more than we usually do, watched some HGTV (and a few football games), and generally just loafed without feeling guilty. I read and journalled and did necessary church work, but in the end, felt like I had some much-needed "down time" with Bev.

That's how it is with colds. They slow you down just enough to change your pace of life and in between sniffles and sneezes, you manage some extra time with your sweetheart.


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