Wednesday, January 14, 2009

post mortem

What will they say about me post mortem, after I die?

That question seems a bit egomaniacal, or, it may bear tinges of paranoia. In any case, everyone has asked it, or wondered about it silently.

Mabelle, my friend, lived 90 plus years. Her common lament was "God does not answer my prayers" to which I would respond, "How do you know that ?" Her answer? "Well, I am still here!" She had a heightened sense that she was just taking up space, when those of us aorund her reminded her what a true treasure she was. She never really caught on to how much she was loved.

Her memorial service was today and the testimonies praising her indomitable spirit, her sense of humor, her friendly dispostion,her "family first" mindset, and her resurgent faith resonated among us. She would have been so surprised...and so delighted.

These kinds of comments post mortem help us, but are of no value to the deceased.

So speak up now. Tell me now hom much you love me and how wonderful I am! Seriously, be sure someone you love knows how much you value them now. May the beauty of such words not be restricted to the post mortem memorial service.

"Mom, I love you very much and can't imagine myw orld without you!"

Love, Dale

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