Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What is certain?

The only thing certain, we are told is death and taxes.

Even taxes are up for debate, but, sadly, the conversation is only about how much.

Death's place, though a contradiction to our preoccupation with our subconscious presumption that "only the other guy gets cancer", appears entrenched.  Every day we hear of someone we know who has either died or is dying.

But, generally, certainty about life seems to elude us.

How often have we left for work with an agenda in mind only to discover that they tyranny of the urgent has redefined our schedule?

How many well-laid plans have had to be revamped--or scraped--last minute because of unforeseen interruptions?

How frequently have we counted on something or somebody, only, in the end, to be deeply disappointed.  "I thought I could count on him..." is a common lament in the sphere of human relationships.

My life seems terribly uncertain.  I am in a rented house currently for sale.  I have opened a new office where I am unknown.  I attend a large church where I am largely a spectator.  I am discovering the surprises of retirement and relocation almost daily.

Sounds pretty bleak.  And, occasionally, it is unsettling.

Except for the Word.  Especially the Psalms.  Many written by a man, David, whose history reflects the uncertainty of his own life--engaged in battle, hounded by the enemy, betrayed by friends, sabatoged by his own sin.  Still he writes of certainty.

"The righteous will flourish like a palm tree...planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God.  They will still bear fruit in old age.  they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, 'The Lord is upright; He is my rock'....."  Psalms 92:12-15

Here's some certain take-aways for me today, following my morning devotions...
1.  Following God is a prescription for my continuing spiritual growth.
2.  Bearing fruit for God is not a function of my age.
3.  Proclaiming God's faithfulness gives certainty to my life.

You can count on death and taxes...


You can count on the certainty of God's Word!

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