Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What does Harold Camping do now...?

In 1994 Harold Camping wrongly suggested he knew the time of Christ's return and we have just "survived" another Harold Camping "prophetic" prognostication about a May 21st return...same results. He is now correcting his data and assuring us that October 21st will be the date.

Notwithstanding the clear declaration of Jesus that no man knows the day or the hour of Christ's return, we now must deal with the mockery and ridicule of the entire Christian community that sadly are grouped together with Camping and his unhappy followers. One of his disciples acknowledged that he had given $141,000 of his money to help advertise the May 21st event and it is rumpored that ten million dollars was used by Camping's ministry/business to finance this travesty.

I rarely speak out against a fellow minister by name but it is hard to not wonder how many people will continue to be duped by someone posing as a minister of the gospel and misrperesenting the truth of that gospel. Have we not learned that the Word of God is true, that it can be trusted, and that men who disregard its truth will ultimately be exposed as imposters and false teachers.

No, Harold. The third time will not be the charm!


Debee Bracho said...

I remember being very "freaked out" after watching "Thief In The Night" at a New Years "watchnight" service. My grandfather, who if you remember correctly, was a man of very few words, except when he preached. Most of the grandkids didn't bother cracking that stoic shell, but as you also may remember, I was a talker. I just talked weather he engaged me or not. On this particular occasion I was actually in the car directing my fears at my grandmother when all of sudden grandpa chimed in, with the most comforting "lecture" I have ever gotten from him. First he assured me of my faith and it's strength and my ability to call on the name of Jesus if I were ever frightened by Satan etc. Then,(the point of this rambling)he said he didn't believe in how "the rapture" was being presented in church. Firstly he said, the idea of the rapture(a pretrib removal of Christians)wasn't even taught until the 1930's or something like that. He also said that every generation believes they are in "the Last Days" etc. He went on to add that if my faith were based merely in fear of God and his wrath then it would not sustain. Ironic that it hasn't really sustained. Because from that moment on I really did decide that I would not be a Christian because of fear but I wanted to believe and serve out of a desire for righteousness and a real love of the Lord as opposed to fear of the Lord. I am wondering are you aware of his claim that "the rapture" wasn't even discussed as a point of protestant faith until the 30's?

Debee Bracho said...

So after reading your blog and remembering my grandfathers "lecture" I googled history of the rapture etc. I found a blog that says exactly what he says. It is the first time I have had his talk validated as at least an alternate take on the rapture. I am not sure if I can link a very concise blog written on the subject. it is a biblical eschatology blog by the Francis Schaeffer institute. I have mentioned to you appreciating C.S. Lewis. There are two "Christian" works of literature that I find fantastic writing. One was The Screwtape Letters and the other is a book called "Addicted to Mediocrity" by Francis Schaeffer Jr. Perhaps son of Francis Schaeffer. Not sure of that. Through your blog and it's spark of my memorie directed me to this eschatology that I find fascinating and perhaps a place I can come to and get some of my nagging questions and doubts answered and or validated or invalidated. Thanks again. attempting to post link here.