Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Here comes the sun...

I awakened this morning to something wonderful and beautiful...a tinge of blue sky. At 5:50 a.m. the sun was just beginning to lift its yellow head above the all-too familiar fluffy grey clouds, now almost gone.

By the time I had showered, watched a few minutes of dark news, and had encouraging morning devotions with my wife, I could hardly wait to venture outside to be greeted by what was now a vibrant blue sky.

It was then I knew I would have a good day...or, at least, I felt like having a good day.

The day is now sixteen hours old and I have been at my office for almost nine hours--all of them inside my office, only slightly exposed to the sun. I just talked to my wife who has been working in the yard and I asked, "Is it still sunny?" She reported happily that it was, and with renewed vigor I have purposed to finish this mid-afternoon reflection as quickly as possible so I can get home...to the sun.

So what's the big deal about the sun? After all, we live in "sunny California" except for the fact we have had 170% of normal rainfall this year accompanied by its formidable clouds and residual greyness. Blue skies and sunlit days have been infrequent.

I am not complaining or whining. I know we need the water after ten years of reported relative drought and reduced water in nearby lakes and reservoirs. And the lush green hills have been magnified exponentially because of the abundance of rain, providing a breath-taking backdrop for Amador County's real estate.

But, for me, the bright sun lifts my spirits. Blue sky lightens my mood. Spring is in the air. New growth is vibrant all around me.

The truth is...the sun was always there, even though it was obscured by grey sky and a cloudy overcast canopy. I just couldn't see it.

As a beliver my mood is often darkened when I can't see Jesus anywhere on the scene. I know He must be there--He promised to never leave me or forsake me--but His face is shrouded by the greyness of life's challenges and shielded from me by my own darkened faith.

I thankful for each glimpse of the Son, for those moments lighten my mood and lift my spirits even when I have spent nine hours in my office.

Here comes the sun...I am stepping out of my office into its late afternoon glow and already I feel better.

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