Thursday, April 22, 2010


I am always surprised by how God works. I was gone for a week and scheduled one of our pastors to speak in my absence. I was startled by the news he had not preached due to some unavoidable circumstances, but, in fact, another staff pastor had spoken. I wondered what were the circumstances that could have prompted such a change. I later heard from several sources that the message was well-presented and a family visiting for the first time remarked to me that the sermon topic—a message on “Dealing with Depression”--- was just what she and her husband needed to hear.

I always marvel at how God works. When given a chance to be reflective, I have to ask myself, “Why are you surprised?” God has a sovereign way of dealing with matters that seen in retrospect astounds me. In my best planning and most deliberate efforts I cannot foresee what circumstances will eventuate and what kinds of things will need to take place to bring resolution in unplanned crisis and conflict.

I almost always—there’s that word again, “always”---fall prey to the temptation to sift through circumstances as they unfold and almost predictably allow myself to be carried away by the drama and a strong sense of a need to “fix “ what’s wrong. That is a recipe for disaster. First, of all, my best judgment pales in comparison to the wisdom of God. Secondly, painfully aware of my inadequate resources I am often overwhelmed in the moment by the magnitude of the need. All too often—not always--- thankfully”, I default to “fix it” mode and all the related worry and anxiety that accompany such frivolous work.

I am always reminded in the aftermath of such crises how God has to be my first point of reference. I need to literally resolve to seek the wisdom of His Word and rest in the power of prayer, affirming my total dependency upon a sovereign God who knows the end from the beginning.

In Luke 18:2ff Jesus told a parable about a woman who was in crisis and was seeking justice. She kept going to the judge—the appropriate source for resolution—without immediate results. In the end, however, justice was rendered. The opening verse of this passage reports that Jesus told this story to his disciples “to show them hat they should always pray and not give up”.

In the end—In God’s timing and in God’s way—He always acts, always in concert with His sovereign will and purpose. When something as simple as a speaker “crisis” prompting last-minute change occurs on a Sunday morning I can be confident God will “fix it”. That is His job, not mine. Why am I “always” surprised?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Dale,
and welcome home to you and Bev... Reading this blog post was what i needed the way this day has been unfolding...well.. the month actually. I have been experiencing all His grace, and my faith has become stronger as I deal with the everyday events of life, and In His Steps...