Wednesday, August 12, 2009

do you remember vacation bible school?

My wife and I are huddled together today in a classroom that has been converted into a camp site. All the walls are covered with blue sky, as well as the ceiling, and a faux campfire sits in the middle of a large room. Fifteen fifth and sixth graders are seated with eager eyes waiting attentively...for me to share the story of the day!

It is a moment pregnant with all kinds of emotion for me. I have known some of these children, after thirteen years of pastoring here, since they were babies. Today I have the privilege of telling them how they can know Jesus and what an adventure it is to live for Him. For just a moment I can imagine them six-seven years from now, graduating from high school. What chocies will they make? Where will their lives be headed? Will they still be interested in spiritual things?

Ecclesiates 12:1 encourages us to "Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth..." I am not sure the kids are hearing every word I am saying--though they are listening intently--but I know this. Today they will hear the gospel, the "good news" about Jesus. they will hear it in the context of a decorated Sunday School classroom at "Son Rock Camp".

And they will hear it, however imperfectly, from me.

I am for the moment overwhelmed but hopeful that they will always remember this week of Vacation Bible School.

1 comment:

Mrs. Chaddie said...

Thank you for all the love you invest in our children.