Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Mondays Beverly and I usually go to the movies; at least we try to. More often than not, we give it up because we cannot find anything that meets our criteria as worth watching.

But yesterday we agreed to see "Fireproof", a move about marriage. We knew the people who produced it as also produced "Facing the Giants", which we loved even though the acting was mediocre. We were not disappointed; in fact, I spent most of the time wiping tears from my eyes (I cry more the older I get) as I relived some of the pain of divorce and thought about couples I know that are in the throes of walking away from their marriages.

Actually, I was so impressed by the movie that I drove to the place where a young man works who is in the process of divorce to encourage him to see the movie.

The movie is unapologetically "Christian" and has as its basic premise that reconciliaiton is only possible through God's divine help and discovering what it means to truly love Him, so we can love our mates as we should.

It is not corny, it is not poorly-acted or produced. It has a high degree of proefessionalism and a moving message about what can happen when two people--bent on divorce--decide to "dare to love" each other.

Sadly, this movie will die a quick death. It will not be shown in many theaters and, unless the word gets out, will die for lack of support.

I am telling you "Go see the movie!", and if you know someone struggling in their marriage, take them along!

1 comment:

Mrs. Chaddie said...

I'm listening to a Focus on the Family broadcast about this movie... Kirk Cameron sounds EXACTLY like Pastor Mark!!!

Looking forward to seeing the movie! :)
