Wednesday, January 23, 2008

snow advisory

The weather alert feature on my computer just advised me of snow storms in the outlying higher areas with accumulations of over a foot in new snow possible tonjight and tomorrow. At 1000 feet I am just a few miles away rom the magical 2500-3000 foot barrier where the snow is actually measurable on the ground. the cold wind and rain remind me it is only a few miles away, literally around the corner from. My secretary lives about twenty-five miles away and shoveled out of a foot of snow to get to work this morning at 3500 feet!

The storm advisory warnings are issued to encourage us not to venture up into the higher elevations due to road conditions and possible threats to safety. It's enough for me to stay nestled in the comfortable confines of Jackson and sutter Creek, which layat the base of the Sierra Nevadas that house the winter snow.

Occasionally I like to venture out into the snowy conditions, head up nearby Highway 88 and view the snow. My four-wheel drive vehicle provides me with a measure of confidence, but I am not a "veteran" of driving in the hazardous snow and black ice. I trust the warnings issued by those who understand the condition of the roads. A coupl of weeks ago I experimented on some icy roads and the results were scary, to say the least. I was in "untried" territory.

Sometimes we think it is adventurous to ignore the warning signs and to explore areas declared "off limits" or unsafe. God's Word is full of road markers warning against the potential dangers lurking in the shadows on the pathway of life. These are in place to protect us from danger, injury, and even destruction. remember the words "There is a way that seems right to man but it leads to destruction"? These are not intended by God to limit our happiness, zeal for life and enoyment of His creation. But God knows the road. And it would be good for us to pay attention to the warnings of His Word.

I am not driving up-country today. More snow has fallen and the weather advisory today is to avoid drving on the icy wet roads unless absoultely necessary.

I feel safer already...

1 comment:

Debee said...

Pastor Dale,

I just wanted to let you kmow that I read your blog pretty regularly.

I hope that doesn't creep you out. Somehow I feel Like I am the last person on earth you want reading your blogs..but I do, and I thought it important to tell you they really touch my soul.

You have a great knack for taking everyday events and driving home the importance and impact that they have on our lives.

While I know I am not in "the spiritual fold" currently they serve as this nagging on my psyche to constantly question my "lack of belief" (for lack of a better phrase.)

I just wish I could find the kind of peace and grace that you obviously have. So I look to blogs such as this to inspire that. I can't fake it so I won't ..

One thing I have learned to be as I have aged, is brutally honest with myself and at least honest in as socially acceptable way with others..(ie. I am not telling someone they look fat in those pants.)

Ill keep searching...and reading your blogs and other things but I felt it necessary to Thank you for your efforts and let you know they are appreciated.