Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The treasure of good friends

The ministry affords the opportunity for the formation of many meaningful relationships. Over the years I have had the privilege of having many friends, and those are the by-products of ministry that I treasure most.

We are traveling with friends this week and it is a special time of sharing and laughing--even crying together--that I will not soon forget.

I love acrostics--some you know that--and I wanted to identify what i think are the characteristics of a good friend. As you read these, hopefully the faces of people who are dear to you will come to your mind, and like me, you'll be grateful for this treasure.

F-orgiving--a true friend "cuts you some slack" when you've had a bad day or behaved poorly

R-eaffirming--a true friend reminds you of the things that matter most

I-inquiring--a true friend seeks to be conscious of your needs and knows when to ask and when to be quiet

E-ncouraging--a true friend looks for things to do and say to make you feel better

N-on-judgmental-- a true friend never judges you but accepts you with your strengths and weaknesses

D-ependable--a true friend can be counted on to be there in good and bad times

I'm thankful for all of my friends.  Next time I see you, I'm going to tell you...again!

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