Thursday, February 23, 2012

A word about blogging

I have two sites on which I blog weekly---or, at least, that's my intent.  If you're here, you know; I have another blog at  Both are accessible from my website,

I am, sharing this information because I am anxious to hear from you.  Many of you write me in other venues or see me and are kind in expressing your responses to what you have read.  But few use the blog site to respond.

Can you help me by answering a few questions  Some have said you can;t figure out how to post on the blog site so you can write me at

1.  D you read my blog?  If so, which one(s)?

2.  Is it hard to respond on my blog site?  Which one?  Do you know why?

3.  Have you tried to access my website? If so, was it easy to read my blog there?

Thanks for responding.  It will help me determine what problem I need to fix!

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