Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The body of Christ meets in other places than your church...

I have had the privilege in this season of semi-retirement to visit other churches.  it has been a great informative experience for me.  From a small church in Fountain Valley, Arizona to a large mega church in Folsom, California I have learned some important lessons.

1.  The size of the church does not define the quality of worship.

2.  A large church may actually be growing for the right reasons.

3.  A church may be flourishing even though its numbers are small.

4.  The message preached as long as it is consistent with the truth of God's Word, has impact.

5.  The church has value in the community as it fulfills its divine mandate for ministry.

From large volume performance-driven bands (or so it seemed) to more traditional worship teems (sometimes boring), when my personal "taste" preferences were laid aside I was able to worship God when that was my singular focus.

It's a good thing.

When we get to heaven all that will matter is that we are there, surrounded by people from every tribe and tongue, with every kind of musical instrument and percussion system--there to worship God, the product of our common bond through the grace of the gospel extended to us.

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