Thursday, July 05, 2012

a little piece of information

I was processing an issue this week and engaging in dialogue with a friend. I arrived at some conclusions that were unfortunate, but, obvious, I think, given the information I had.  As a result, my counseling response was at some levels inappropriate.

I received a little unsolicited piece of information that changed my perspective; in fact, it relieved me, though I realized it had caused me to reach a different conclusion than I would have with that piece in hand, and, perhaps, inflicted some unnecessary pain upon my friend.

My response was to communicate with my friend, revamp what I had said and to acknowledge that the absence of a little piece of information had influenced my reaction and caused me to reach an inappropriate conclusion.  I was sorry to have added to the pain he was already experiencing.

What's the point of all of this?
1.  Make sure you are responding to the right information.
2.  If you're not sure, take more time and gather the information you need.
3.  If you feel a response is necessary,  carefully and lovingly communicate your concern.
4.  If you got it wrong--minus a little piece of information--make it right.

I am still in the school of learning.  It's a little piece of information I won;t forget.

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