Thursday, July 10, 2008


I am a Tim Keller fan anyway. A member of our church family suscribed several years for us to his weekly sermon tapes. It was a wonderful gift and Beverly and I grew to respect Keller's unrelenting commitment to preaching the truth and communciating with intellectual New Yorkers checking out Christianity.

Keller's recently-released book, The Reason for God, is addressed to people with doubts...doubts about subjects we are often reluctant to discuss. Keller addreses them with his typical insightfulness and from a rational perspective that does not preclude faith, but encourages it. He deals with subjects such as suffering in the world, hell, the exclusivity of Christianity, and other topics that cause the juices of doubt to flow deeply...sometimes even in the veins of believers.

I like Keller because he makes me think. His "take" is usually a little different than mine might be, and I find that refreshing. His immersion in the inner city makes him a sensitive spokesman for the masses out there on the streets searching. Hopefully, in Keller's book they are challenged to look carefully at the God revealed in the Word.

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